Virginia AT Day 2
Thomas Knob Shelter to Atkins (Rt 11)
46.3 miles
A bit of a gloomy day, misty and grey, but it made for nice hiking. I walked through the Greyson Highlands at night (the ponies must have been sleeping), and spent most of the day walking and shuffling along tree-covered ridges, one of my favorite things. I made good time, finishing earlier than expected. I feel some nerves about tomorrow, as it’s supposed to rain all day with storms throughout.
I also developed a sore throat at the end of the day. I’m hoping I’m not sick. I did get some nosebleeds earlier in the day, I think from the sudden amount of time I’m breathing hard all day, so perhaps (and hopefully) that’s the reason.
I originally left the last paragraph out because I didn’t want to be gross, but unfortunately it becomes relevant!